Due to the stopped support of Windows systems < Windows XP we offer a method to be able to continue use the Teamviewer Software for remote service also for older machines.
As the machine control is a highly integrated system, it is not possible to upgrade the windows on the PCU. Hardware upgrades for older machines are also not possible, due to missing Profibus and Display support.
The solution is to supply a small NIC computer system (GW-Proxybox) which is capable of connecting to all machines in house.
Each customer with Windows XP (or Windows NT) controls (machines older than 2015-2016) requires one GW-Proxybox to continue to receive remote service. This is the bare minimum.
It is advisable to have one GW-Proxybox each machine to speed up the service process.




Installation is required for each machine one time. After primary installation the GW-Proxybox needs to be connected and waited for our service connection, no other interaction required.
The GW-Proxybox is maintenance friendly (no rotating harddrive) and will be delivered with a shockproof transportbox, necessary cables/adapters and a full backup.

Alternative to a Network connection by cable, the GW-Proxybox can a) use existing Wifi connections and b) use Smartphones connected by USB Port.